Sunday, November 4, 2012

The Snowy Day

Title: The Snowy Day 

Author: Ezra Jack Keats loved art from a young age. Keats spent much time learning about art at the local library. The first book written by Ezra Jack Keats was The Snowy Day. Keats introduced multiculturalism into children's literature. This was the start of something new in children's literature. 

Genre: Fiction

Grades: K-2

Subject Area: ELA 

Summary: One little boy named Peter wakes up on a winter morning and realizes that there is snow everywhere. He decides he wants to go outside and explore. After he is outside he notices that things are different when the snow has fallen. He does different things in the snow like making a snow angel and building a snowman. When he decides to go inside he brings in some snow but over night the snow melts because the house is too warm. 

Pre Reading Activity: As a class make a list on chart paper of the kids favorite things to do in the snow. Then discuss why they are their favorite things. After that pick four of the classes favorite things to do in the snow. Tell the students to vote for one things they like doing in the snow the best. Get chart paper graph their favorite things. Then talk about which thing to do in the snow is the class favorite Have the students draw a picture of the activity they voted for. 

Post Reading Activity: Explain what order of event are, and how events happen in the story. This is the order things happen in the story. Give an example when Peter woke up he saw snow, then he ate breakfast, and got dressed so he could play in the snow. Have the students talk about the order of events in the story we just read. Draw picture of the things the boy Peter did in the snow. Make sure you have a picture is in the order that they happened. This way it reinforces what we just talked about. But in a way little kids can understand. 

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