Sunday, November 4, 2012


Title: Fables 

Author: Arnold Lobel is most well known for his series Frog and Toad. His book entitled Fables won the Caldecott Award in 1981. Lobel has been an illustrator for many books that he has not written. 

Genre: Fables 

Grades: K-3

Subject Area: ELA

Summary: This book has many different fables in it. These are a great way to teach students about this genre of story. Through reading students these fables they can learn all about stories that teach a lesson. 

Pre Reading Activity: Talk with the students about what a fable is. Then give students a writing prompt from a fable. Have the students sit in groups of four. Each student will start writing their own story. Then after a few minutes I will say pass the papers. Then the next student will write on the story. This will continue everyone in the group has written on each story. Then each student will have a similar yet different fable. 

Post Reading Activity: Now we are going to read the story the Ginger Bread Man. We are going to make a venn digram about the similarities and differences between the two stories as a class. Then the students will write an essay comparing and consternating the two stories in two or three paragraphs. This will depend on the age of the students. They should talk about the morals of the two stories.  


  1. I read this book last year to my first grade class! We read about one fable a day.. they really loved it. Some of the "lessons" went over their heads, but they loved the book nonetheless and begged me to read it every day.

  2. I remember reading it when I was in elementary school which is why I picked it as one of my books on my blog.
