Title: The Eyes of Gray Wolf
Author: Jonathan London was born in New York in 1947. This once poet became a children's writer. In 1989 he started writing children's books. Throughout his career he was written over fifty children's books. He is most commonly known for his Froggy books.
Genre: Nonfiction/ Poetry
Grades: K-4
Subject Area: Nature/ Science
Summary: Throughout this story you follow the endangered gray wolf. The author writes in a poetic style which allows the read to live a day in the life of this animal. Throughout the story the reader learns more about these amazing animals and what they can do to help these animals from becoming extinct.
Pre Reading Activity: Introduce what the word endangered mean. Endangered animals are a population of animals that are at risk of becoming extinct because there are not a lot of them. Then discuss as a class what animals are on the endangered species list. Ex. Jaguar, Red Wolf, Giant Panda, Tiger, Snow Leopard, Blue Whale, and Sand Cat.
Post Reading Activity: Have the kids look up on the computer an endangered specie and color a picture of it accurately. If children are too young to draw it print out a few different pictures of the animal. Then have them color it. For older children they will have to look up background information on the animals. They should include where the animal lives, what they eat, and why they are endangered. Plus any other important fact about the animal.
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